- Ana M. Breda, Eugénio Rocha, Ana Vasconcelos, Rute Domingues: Designing Effective Interactive Tools for Students Learning about Geometric Transformations, 1st International Conference on Computer Supported Education – CSEDU, 98-103, Lisboa, 2009
- Eugénio Rocha, Ana M. Breda, Mário Soares, Telmo Parreira: An Authoring Tool for Developing Highly Interactive Digital Books, 1st International Conference on Computer Supported Education – CSEDU, Lisboa, 303-308, 2009.
- Teresa Bexirão Neto, Ana Breda, Nilza Costa, Juan Godino: Resorting to Non Euclidean Plane Geometries to Develop. Deductive Reasoning an Onto-Semiotic Approach, ICMI Study 19: Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education Volume 2, Fou-Lai Lin Feng-Jui Hsieh Gila Hanna Michael de Villiers The, 106-111, Taipe, Taiwan, 2009.
- Ana M. Breda, Eugénio Rocha, Telmo Parreira: The IntBook concept as an adaptative web enviroment, J. Borwein et al, Communicating Mathematics in the Digital Era, 253-268, A. K. Peters Ltd, Wellesley, USA, 2008.
- Ana M. Breda, Eugénio. M. Rocha, M. M. Rodrigues: Interactive, Collaborative and Adaptative Learning Tools: The TexMat Example, 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technology, INSTICC, 456-459, Funchal-Madeira, 2008.
- G. Castillo, J. Gama, Ana M. d’Azevedo Breda: An adaptive predictive model for student modelling, G.D. Magoulas and S.Y. Chen, Online and Distance Learning: Concepts, methodologies, Tools and Applications, Volume III, Chapter 2.43, 23 pp, Information Science Publication, London, 2007.
- Ana M. Breda; Eugénio M. Rocha, J. Martins.: TexMat: A Multimédia Constructivist Learning. Environment, 11th Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM), Sung-Chi Chu, Shui-Hung Hou, Wei-Chi Yang, 12-16, Hong Kong, 2006.
- Ana M. Breda, T. Neto, C. Costa, N. Costa: Geometric Reasoning and Proof Problems in Geometric Dynamic Environments, 3ª International conference Hands on Science (HSCI), Universidade do Minho, 105-110, Braga, Portugal, 2006.
- Ilda C. Almeida, Ana M. Breda; N. Costa: Didactical Mediation in Geometry Teaching-Student´s. Perceptions, International Conference in Mathematics, Sciences and Science Education (ICMSE 2006), 46-57, Aveiro, Portugal, 2006.
- Ana M. Breda, Eugénio M. Rocha, J. Martins: BioMat a multi-mode educational game, World conference on educational multimedia and telecommunications, AACE, 1359-1366, Montreal, 2005.
- Ana M. Breda, M. Teresa Neto: The Role of Non-Euclidean Geometry in the Opening Out of deductive reasoning, Advances in Technology-Based Education Toward a Knowledge-based Society, International conference on Multimedia ICT’S Education, 1128-1131, Badajoz, 2003.
- G. Castillo, J. Gama, Ana M. Breda: Adaptive Bayes for a Student Modeling Prediction Task based on Learning Styles, P.Brusilovsky, A.Corbett, F. de Rosis, User Modeling 2003, 328-332, 9th International Conference, Springer Verlag, 2003.
- Ana M. Breda, A. L. Bajuelos (eds). I, II: Proceedings of the International Conference in New Technologies in Science Education, CINTEC, Portugal, 2002.
- Ana M. Breda, Dorabella Santos: Automatic Generation of Game Sceneries Using Discrete Dynamical Systems, Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 442-447, Florida, 2002.
- Ana M. Breda, M. Teresa Neto: Teaching Strategy for Problem Solving, Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, 436-441, Florida, 2002.
- L.Bajuelos, Ana M. Breda, G. Castillo: A XML-based Interactive Question Generator for an Adaptive Learning Environment, Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics,, 430-435, Orlando, Florida, 2002.
- R. M. Carro, Ana M Breda, G. Castillo, L. Bajuelos.: A Methodology for Developing Adaptive Educational-Game Environments, Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, P. De Bra P. Brusilovsky R. Conejo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2347, 90-99, Springer Verlag., Springer Verlag., 2002.
- R. M. Carro, Ana M Breda, G. Castillo, L. Bajuelos: Generación de Juegos Educativos Adaptativos, Interacción 2002, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, ISBN 84-607-4501-5, 164-171, Granada, 2002.
- G. Castillo, A. M. Breda, L. Bajuelos: An Experience on Transforming a Web-based Course in Geometry Into an Adaptive Course, Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 430-435, Orlando, Florida, 2002.